Valhalla is a Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction modification.
This is a stripped down version of the original site. Feel free to email me.
If you like D2, try Path Of Exile. Join the Valhalla Exiles Guild.

Unique Items
Set Items
Cube Recipes

Set List

Arctic Gear

Hsarus' Defense

Berserker's Arsenal

Cleglaw's Brace

Infernal Tools

Death's Disguise

Sigon's Complete Steel

Isenhart's Armory

Civerb's Vestments

Cathan's Traps

Slayer's Gear

Angelic Raiment

Vidala's Rig

Cow King's Leathers

Rogue's Gear

Arcanna's Tricks

Sander's Folly

Iratha's Finery

M'avina's Battle Hymn

Natalya's Odium

Milabrega's Regalia

Tal Rasha's Wrappings

Tancred's Battlegear

Hwanin's Majesty

Aldur's Watchtower

Trang-Oul's Avatar

Sazabi's Grand Tribute

Immortal King

The Disciple

Orphan's Call

Naj's Ancient Vestige

Griswold's Legacy

Bragi's Sentry

The Deceiver's Treasure

Psychomech's Revelation

Thor's Legacy

Loki's Craft

Skadi's Teachings

The Afterlife

Bul-Kathos' Children

Secret Agenda

Hel's Sting

Freyja's Call to Arms

Paniik Attack

Odin's Safeguard

Heaven's Brethren

Thor's Thunder

Nauthis' Fidelity

Vern's Animalistic Nature

Gunners Death Suit

Idun's Sheath

Drew's Mystical Elements

Skadhi's Armaments

Nordic Folklore

Hydra's Choice Battlegear